Mt. Fuji from Lake Kawaguchi

We took a day trip to Lake Kawaguchi (河口湖) hoping to catch a nice view of Mt. Fuji and some cherry blossoms.  As you can see, it was successful.


An impression

The proper way to view Mt. Fuji

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10 Responses to Mt. Fuji from Lake Kawaguchi

  1. Pingback: Monday Morning Travel | The Rider

  2. Look at Shino 🙂 .. thanks all are exceptional. Take a closer tour next time. Is it a protected zone ?

  3. Shino says:

    You can get to the top but I rather look it up from the bottom 🙂

  4. thisistobias says:

    Awesome photos! I especially liked the one with the clouds 🙂

  5. rogeriosouzavicente says:

    Reblogged this on Tempestade.

  6. Wonderful pictures; each one telling a different story about the same theme. Brilliant. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Your photos are beautiful…first time visiting here.

  8. Bee says:

    Thank you for a wonderful journey to Mt. Fuji 🙂 I love the entire set!!! Can`t tear my eyes off the picture with the sparkling water.

  9. debiriley says:

    wow, what a lovely mini holiday you just gifted me with! brilliant photos, and I love the soft, out of focus edges of these as well. Great photos 🙂

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