Around Nagano – Onsens

We stayed at a couple of onsens (hot springs) while in Nagano. One in Oomachi (大町市) and another, Manzanso (満山荘) in Oku-Yamada-Onsen (奥山田温泉), which had a great view of the alps and the food was excellent.

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10 Responses to Around Nagano – Onsens

  1. Sonya says:

    Stunning photos. You take me back to Japan every time. Cheers!

  2. Lovely! Specially like that 3rd photo from the top.

  3. ambroseanthonythompson says:

    End of the world? Dripping over the edge into another realm?

  4. windapontoh says:

    Awesome photos. Love all of them 🙂
    The 4th is my favorite.

  5. kerlund74 says:

    So calming and soft, wonderful photos!

  6. I again stumbled upon your work .. I know know what excites me most beyond the quality of images / camera and all – it is the honesty i find in your work, its as if you so something and the camera was in your (3rd) eyes, it just went.. love it and rebloging it !

  7. Reblogged this on Ilko Alexandrov and commented:
    One very honest photographer ..

  8. angelinahue says:

    Beautiful images! I also like how you started and ended this series of photos.

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